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Him and Her

LUI e LEI sono latitudine e longitudine di un emisfero unico.

Questa è la storia di un sogno fatto di lusso e passione, di un percorso d’amore che pose LUI agli antipodi di LEI e costrinse entrambi ad intrecciare nuove rotte per incontrarsi. Forse un rapporto come tanti altri, il loro, forse no. LUI è cittadino del mondo, un businessman che fa colazione a Parigi e arriva giusto in tempo per una cena di rappresentanza a Londra. Impegni appuntati sulle moleskine rigorosamente dimenticate sui troppi aerei privati. Una borsa di pelle di cervo neozelandese, un buon libro di Bruce Chatwin ed un bicchiere di cognac a fare da compagnia durante le lunghe ore di viaggio. Tutto il resto del suo tempo, LUI lo passa a rammendare pensieri di miele, intrecciando parole in un dedalo di promesse fatte a LEI.

LEI è la sua donna. Italiana, bella e cangiante come le lingue di fuoco viste dalle coste di Lipari. LEI vive le sue eterne attese tra Roma, Firenze e Napoli e punta lo sguardo verso l’orizzonte per far convergere tutte le sue prospettive verso LUI. Amare significa attendere e lo sa bene. Pietre preziose nei suoi dettagli di moda che tiene per sé, puntando la sveglia per dare il buongiorno a LUI che si addormenta, ogni notte, con un fuso orario diverso. Il loro ultimo anniversario lo hanno passato a Milano e poco prima della Prima della Scala, LEI ha scartato un regalo: una piccola opera d’arte in pelle di coccodrillo. Esotica concessione di puro design, dall’anima hi-tech e dallo stile europeo.

Poi, il giorno dopo… LUI di nuovo lontano. Con un biglietto per Hong Kong e un gruppo di imprenditori immobiliari da affascinare. Ancora. LUI e LEI si danno appuntamento. L’unico elemento che li unisce da lontano è lo stile. Una firma precisa, smaccata, forte e vibrante che racconta senza usare parole. Una griffe che lega uomini e donne che non conoscono la parola “compromesso”.

LUI e LEI quando decidono di guardarsi negli occhi guardano la pietra preziosa incastonata nelle loro borse identiche. Un dettaglio, un viaggio, il sapore di un ritorno.

On ì àna

Him and Her
This is the story of a dream of luxury and passion, of a lovers’ journey putting HIM and HER at opposite poles, forcing them to trace new routes so as to meet.
The only thing that unites them from afar is style. A precise signature, fulsome, strong and vibrant, something that is eloquent without using words.
It is a brand that creates bonds between the men and women who cannot relate to the word "compromise".
The Story
HE and SHE are the latitude and longitude of a single hemisphere.

This is the story of a dream of luxury and passion, of a love journey putting HIM and HER at opposite poles, forcing them to trace new routes so as to meet. Theirs - perhaps a relationship just like so many others - maybe not. HE is a world citizen, a businessman having breakfast in Paris and arriving just in time for a formal dinner in London. Commitments pinned on moleskin systematically forgotten about whilst flying on a plethora of private planes. A New Zealand deerskin handbag, a good book by Bruce Chatwin and a glass of cognac to keep a traveller company during a long trip.
HE passes the rest of his mending honey-like thoughts, weaving words into a labyrinth of promises made to HER.

SHE is his woman. Italian, beautiful, shimmering like the tongues of fire seen from the coast of Lipari.
SHE lives her eternal waits between Rome, Florence and Naples, gazing toward the horizon to bring together all her perspectives towards HIM. To love means waiting and this she knows oh so well. Precious stones in her fashion details that she keeps to herself, setting the alarm to wish HIM good morning when he falls asleep every night in a different time zone. Their last anniversary was spent in Milan shortly before the La Scala premiere, when SHE unwrapped a gift: a small work of art made of crocodile skin, an exotic bag embodying pure design, hi-tech soul and European style.

Then, the next day ... HE is again far away, with a ticket to Hong Kong and a group of real-estate developers to fascinate. Again. HE and SHE arrange a date. The only thing that unites them from afar is style. A precise signature, fulsome, strong and vibrant that tells a story without using words. A brand that creates bonds between men and women who cannot relate to the word "compromise".

HE and SHE - when they decide to look into each other’s eyes, watching precious gemstones set in their identical bags. A detail, a trip, the taste of return.
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"On ì anà" is the literal pronunciation of "он и она", a Cyrillic dialect meaning precisely "him and her."
On ì anà is also a luxury brand of high-leather accessories, a product made in Italy that can be found only in the most exclusive jewellers around the world, from Doha to New York via Miami.
It is both unconventional and audacious in its sector, thanks to the futuristic research and revolutionary design that have gone into it.
On ì anà represents a new way of understanding the Fashion “particulars”. In the vast men’s collection we can find document and tablet holders, bags, belts, wallets and slippers, while in the women’s collection there is a seductive series of bags and clutches.
To guarantee their exclusivity On ì anà products contain the following materials: New Zealand deer, crocodile, python, all enhanced aesthetically with the application of diamonds and precious gemstones.
The complete On ì anà range of products fully reflects the identity of those who have chosen them, given the high possibility of customization that makes each product unique.
The collection of On ì anà handbags and leather goods is widespread only in the most important and evocative locations of the planet. Luxury items take time and effort to find.



New Zealand deer
Green  alligator / crocodile skin leather (wallpaper,background)
Jewel applications with diamonds and precious gemstones


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